(07-20-2012, 12:19 AM)jules65 Wrote: i noe julia jesd posdid up heer alredee but i jesd wanid to say i misd bein heer an i misd me frens cuz rit now we hav nu t an she teld julia yu gots posd matic stres dozordr an yu gots to tawks bowt al dat stufs yu noe wat im tawkin bowt we don wana do dat agin it wil be vere skare an o i jesd wisd her sed we cud tawk bowt aneting els evreting al put nis an neet tugeddr an now hers gon wan me bigs tawk bowt al tem bad tings an i jesd sed no i don wana do it an julia sed her tawks to sum bbigs bowt itan see wat we gon do but rele i jesd rele wana sa i am hapee to be bak here i did mis evrebode
tanksyu an gudnit
frum becca
Hi becca. Nice to meet you. It is very very scary to talk about the bad things. But that's how they become less scary, and it help you all get better, by talking about it in a safe place like here, or with your therapist. It may take a while before you feel safe enough to talk to your new T, and that's okay. You don't need to talk until you feel safe and ready. I hope you can keep talking here at MM, though! Lots of people here understand how it feels to be scared over the bad stuff. And lots of people here have PTSD, too. Take care. --orek