Hurricane Sandy
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orek Offline
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RE: Hurricane Sandy
Okay, weather guy said Sandy about 80% through with this destructive phase and won't pick up more power but start to peter out. Hang in there, guys! The wind will die off soon if it hasn't and phase out through tomorrow.
10-29-2012, 11:13 PM
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tweeter Offline
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RE: Hurricane Sandy
Glad to report that this Queens resident is doing okay. Many stores have been open, no flooding here, and people walking their dogs and shopping in the wind and sporadic rain. I personally don't mind wind up to around 45mph and will walk around in it. I think wind would have to be over 85 in sustained gusts to alert me.
It's a very strange tropical storm, and I believe there's lots more to follow because of changes in planet earth, which I feel is approaching a different stage of its "shelf life," so to speak. Time to stop messing with ever-increasingly tall buildings, and cranes left willy nilly like after a session with toys.

I hope all who are frightened have found comfort. I offer a hand to hold. Hope all are safe.

MDs, how are you doing?
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10-30-2012, 10:56 AM
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Elizabethn Offline
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RE: Hurricane Sandy
Has anyone heard from MD's? I'm assuming they evacuated?
10-30-2012, 05:25 PM
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Elizabethn Offline
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RE: Hurricane Sandy
We're fine here in our little corner of NJ. Didn't even lose power. Our little town is virtually unscathed, just a few trees down and only one of them appears to have caused one residence a bit of trouble. There is a mobile home park here and I have not heard how they are doing.

At our house we didn't lose so much as a shingle (yay for new roof!). Just a few little branches in the yard, and a few broken branches stuck up high in the big tree that will have to be gotten down eventually.

Our school did not fare as well. I don't know what the damage is, but got news that campus is closed for a week.
10-30-2012, 05:28 PM
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Emma19 Offline

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RE: Hurricane Sandy
Thanks everyone. What a difference a day makes. Our town actually did very well this time. but we were so scared last night. Usually I can hold it together at times like that........I go to nurse mode. But couldn't find her last night during all that nuts wind. Just did not feel safe.and didn't want to go to the basement. Never go to the basement. But in the morning we were ok and went to work.
Thanks for being here. Emma19 So glad everyone is ok...... Thinking of all those others that are not.
10-30-2012, 08:54 PM
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The Warren Offline
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RE: Hurricane Sandy
I just left MDs a message. When I called it went straight to voice mail. I think everything is just down. I had just seen a report on the news that Sandy took out 25% of cell service in NY. They are inland and out of the mandatory evac zone, so my guess is they are without power but safe at home away from flooding.

We got a typical nor'easter but without the snow. A tree did fall on our power and cable lines, and tore the service conduit away from the house, but everything is actually still connected and working for now. The fat end of the tree is rather precariously hung up on the electric wiring between the poles, and the leafy end is on the ground with our pole to house connection underneath it. I'm hoping the wire holding the trunk up in the air doesn't give before we can get it taken care of. We have calls into NStar and Comcast, but one tree down effecting one house that still has power and cable is low on the priority list. So we're just being patient and careful. I think we also lost some shingles.

Our roof was cheaply installed by the previous owner, and shingles tend to go missing when we get a lot of wind. The big job for us will be fixing the 3 story high electric mast that is now broken in pieces on the deck.
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(This post was last modified: 10-31-2012, 04:32 PM by The Warren.)
10-31-2012, 04:16 PM
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MakersDozn Offline
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RE: Hurricane Sandy
Hey, Lea....and everyone else....

Lea, thanks for leaving the message. Our cell was losing bars, but we're charging it now.

Crossing fingers that the damage you described will be repaired soon.

We were in the middle of posting here at 1:50 pm on Monday saying "We have power." But right then the power went out. Confused

It went on this evening at 6pm eastern. Lea, our brother in your neck of the woods wasn't affected by much at all. We just called him to let him know our status.

Our father has been without power since 6pm Monday. It may take longer for him to get it back than it did for us. We ourselves are on a main road.

The good thing, besides having power again, is that work will be closed all week. Smile

Good thoughts to everyone.

(This post was last modified: 10-31-2012, 06:59 PM by MakersDozn.)
10-31-2012, 06:57 PM
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MakersDozn Offline
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Friendship/Support  RE: Hurricane Sandy
EN, glad that you and Mr. EN are doing okay. We have a co-worker who lives in Jersey City, but at least her apartment is on the fifth floor.

10-31-2012, 07:04 PM
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The Warren Offline
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RE: Hurricane Sandy
We were feeling the wind starting Sunday, though it didn't get bad until Monday afternoon. We lost the tree shortly after you lost power. That's when the wind really started packing a punch.

I can't even imagine what it was like when it hit NJ. Our sister lives in PA, about an hour from EN, and said they got slammed. She's without power, and was just told it would be another 5-6 days before it might come back on. Most people I know here didn't lose or are back on now. It really wasn't that bad for us. Some people did not make it into the office on Tuesday due to trees blocking roads and some towns cancelling school, but everyone was back today.

Enjoy your unexpected vacation time!
"And I'm a million different people from one day to the next." - The Verve, Bittersweet Symphony
10-31-2012, 10:03 PM
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Elizabethn Offline
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RE: Hurricane Sandy
(10-31-2012, 07:04 PM)MakersDozn Wrote: EN, glad that you and Mr. EN are doing okay. We have a co-worker who lives in Jersey City, but at least her apartment is on the fifth floor.


Glad you're okay too! When I started watching LI on the news I got very worried. Oy, Jersey City is like a war zone :-(.

Many of my fellow students are from further north and east. I haven't seen any of them updating on the school's FB page, so no clue how they are doing. School is closed all week and awaiting further updates.
11-01-2012, 11:50 AM
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MakersDozn Offline
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Just talking  RE: Hurricane Sandy
Well, the power company claims that power will be restored in our father's community by 11pm Wednesday, November 7. We're filing this under "we'll believe it when we see it." Dodgy

We have been granted an additional two days off (Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th) by our boss, supposedly at no expense to us, in accordance with our employer's hardship flexibility regarding storm recovery. After that, we'll take it on a day-to-day basis. Hopefully thing will work out as predicted.

11-04-2012, 11:19 PM
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tweeter Offline
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Friendship/Support  RE: Hurricane Sandy
(11-04-2012, 11:19 PM)MakersDozn Wrote: Well, the power company claims that power will be restored in our father's community by 11pm Wednesday, November 7. We're filing this under "we'll believe it when we see it." Dodgy

We have been granted an additional two days off (Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th) by our boss, supposedly at no expense to us, in accordance with our employer's hardship flexibility regarding storm recovery. After that, we'll take it on a day-to-day basis. Hopefully thing will work out as predicted.


I hope that no further mess will result from the upcoming weather system.
I completely agree with your "believe it when we see it" view.

How is you father doing? Being without power is very hard. I don't know what I would have done had that occurred here. FM's brother, his wife, and two dogs, live in Far Rockaway. The house made it, the family car didn't, and life in that area (no power) is thoroughly disrupted.

I left a message or two on your home phone. I don't have your cell #. I did at one time, but not using it, it wasn't transferred via handwritten updates to recent datebooks. Probably overlooked, along with other data, due to fatigue. I'm not comfortable going electronic though.

Be Well, Friends,
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11-05-2012, 12:42 PM
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MakersDozn Offline
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RE: Hurricane Sandy
(11-05-2012, 12:42 PM)tweeter Wrote: I hope that no further mess will result from the upcoming weather system.
I completely agree with your "believe it when we see it" view.

How is you father doing? Being without power is very hard. I don't know what I would have done had that occurred here. FM's brother, his wife, and two dogs, live in Far Rockaway. The house made it, the family car didn't, and life in that area (no power) is thoroughly disrupted.

I left a message or two on your home phone. I don't have your cell #. I did at one time, but not using it, it wasn't transferred via handwritten updates to recent datebooks. Probably overlooked, along with other data, due to fatigue. I'm not comfortable going electronic though.

Thanks. Glad FM's brother and SIL still have their house. Things are really bad in that area, and in the other south shore beach areas.

Our father is doing fine. And interestingly enough, we/MDs have slept a lot better with him and our brother here than we normally do living alone. Go figure.

Our brother says that half of their block has power and half doesn't. Their house doesn't. It's gotta be on a different circut, right on the borderline.

Don't worry about not having our cell number for now. It's a lot easier to reach us at home or, under normal circumstances, at work. The next time we talk on the phone, we can give you the cell number.

Well....gonna vote first thing tomorrow morning, so we can avoid long lines. Our polling place is literally right across the street.

11-05-2012, 09:49 PM
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tweeter Offline
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RE: Hurricane Sandy
(11-05-2012, 09:49 PM)MakersDozn Wrote:
(11-05-2012, 12:42 PM)tweeter Wrote: I hope that no further mess will result from the upcoming weather system.
I completely agree with your "believe it when we see it" view.

How is you father doing? Being without power is very hard. I don't know what I would have done had that occurred here. FM's brother, his wife, and two dogs, live in Far Rockaway. The house made it, the family car didn't, and life in that area (no power) is thoroughly disrupted.

I left a message or two on your home phone. I don't have your cell #. I did at one time, but not using it, it wasn't transferred via handwritten updates to recent datebooks. Probably overlooked, along with other data, due to fatigue. I'm not comfortable going electronic though.

Thanks. Glad FM's brother and SIL still have their house. Things are really bad in that area, and in the other south shore beach areas.

Our father is doing fine. And interestingly enough, we/MDs have slept a lot better with him and our brother here than we normally do living alone. Go figure.

Our brother says that half of their block has power and half doesn't. Their house doesn't. It's gotta be on a different circut, right on the borderline.

Don't worry about not having our cell number for now. It's a lot easier to reach us at home or, under normal circumstances, at work. The next time we talk on the phone, we can give you the cell number.

Well....gonna vote first thing tomorrow morning, so we can avoid long lines. Our polling place is literally right across the street.


Things are fairly normal around here, outside of the fact that I've grown so used to lots of organized trash bags lining the curb that it's beginning to feel like modern urban landscaping.

Do you still have the same thing going on with an overheated place?
Guess what. I'm sweltering here. Have a southern exposure and two large radiators. Building heat was turned on while daytime temps were in upper 50s. Even without heat on I have windows open day and night, but more now. The building boiler is on a thermostat. It's like the place is a large incubator.

Sure, the radiators have knobs, but they don't work. So I can't turn heat off. Super and his assistant (who did the work, what work?) came and made sure heat was turned off, though they continued to assure me I wanted it on. During that adjustment, one knob broke off. They replaced it. I haven't touched anything cause I don't want to be blamed to any further damage. Believe me, they try at every turn.
Next time building heat came on, it was hotter than before. The system is old as the building and not tended to. Very wasteful. I don't know if any building radiators work properly, but I'm not the only one who can't turn it off, though I might be the only one who cares.
Super told me to make an appointment to have valves replaced (which he doesn't have) -- From what I've seen, the only way that works is if there's an emergency. Otherwise, it's bs. Told doorman, who is kind of The Boss, that I'll be sending a letter to the landlord, not to report anyone, but to report the situation. Cause what happens when the windows are frozen open during snow, etc.? When it rains later this week? Yeah, I'll have the windows open. F 'em.
I guess there's no DOB fine for having heat on without provision of tenant regulation. Only for not supplying heat, or for steam damage (which they keep asking me about). Like I don't know what steam looks like.
Or, they know I won't be able to turn heat on a bit when I want heat; so, they won't turn it off.

Anyhow, I'm glad that the temporary indoor camping arrangement with your father & brother has resulted in unexpected nocturnal sleeping serenity.

Greetings and Salutations to all,
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11-06-2012, 12:58 AM
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MakersDozn Offline
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Doing okay  RE: Hurricane Sandy
Yeah, our heating situation still is what it is, and so is Skippy the Wonder Landlord. Yesterday the heat was on nonstop, and the bedroom radiator valve kept spurting and leaking onto the carpet.

Skippy replaced the valve, and that stopped the spurting and leaking, but we didn't have any heat at all last night. He said something was wrong with the boiler. He needed to call the heating company. A couple of years ago, he had a minor stroke, which affected his ability to speak, so he dialed the number, and we/MDs spoke with the company.

The repairman came mid-morning. Turns out that there's a switch, similar to a lightswitch, at the head of the stairs going down to the basement. The heating switch is right above the lightswitch, and we think that Skippy had probably turned the heating switch off by accident.

So we have heat now. Sorry your heat situation is messed up. Hope it gets better soon.

11-06-2012, 02:03 PM
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