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RE: Length of dx
i can identify with a lot of what you're saying - from having ever fewer friends to no one here listening anymore either. never thought about it in terms of damage being so early etc that it wasn't reparable. had always assumed till perhaps the last couple of years that everything is repairable if we would just put more, or the right kind of, effort in. what you're talking about reaffirms the conclusion we've come to that some things just don't get fixed, healing has its limits.
so, if we've gone as far as we can (even if it never feels like enough) in addressing the past the question becomes. what do we want to do/be now we've grown up? what are we interested in/what do we enjoy doing that we can do despite our emotional restrictions? what is worthwhile for us? for us right now, it's publishing and creating a body of work that exists because of our efforts. we don't tell our story, but we tell about issues that resonate with us. it isn't huge, we'll never get lots of money or recognition, but it still feels worthwhile so that is what we've chosen to focus on for now. everyone can find their own way to feel like they contribute and make a difference in this world - otherwise, it's too easy to feel like a waste. i know you know all this already. your post just encouraged us to respond.
Learn how to manage conflict, because the greater the level you can tolerate, the more freedom you will retain - E. Walsh
03-29-2015, 09:38 AM |
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RE: Length of dx
Wow, this is rough. Our last and current Ts say that healing IS possible, even with the abuse and dissociation starting in infancy. (Coincidentally, we were first diagnosed around '92 also, maybe a year or two before that. Don't recall exactly.) So why did your PDoc write that to your "FP" (whatever that means... Something Physician?)? Now I'm wondering if my Ts really believe I can be healed, or if they say that because they just don't want me to give up hope--which is the understandable response upon hearing that too much damage has occurred to make healing possible. I can't carry on like this. I'm too exhausted. Whether full healing is possible or not, I have no doubt some healing can occur, and things can get easier and more integrated. Some of that occurred in working with my last T. But so much of the time with her was spent undoing damage done by past therapies, then painstakingly slowly building up enough safety and trust to do some real deep work, that we didn't get as far as we wanted before she retired. But we're hopeful that our new T can help us. She seems to know her stuff and has the added benefit of doing a lot of work with helping the body release the stored trauma, as well as the mind. I wonder if you need to find a different therapist, if that's their attitude? Or maybe you could talk with your PDoc and ask for clarification?
I'm glad you posted here, even if MM is eerily quiet and ghost towny these days.....
03-29-2015, 03:34 PM |
MM Oldtimer
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RE: Length of dx
The People,
With all due respect to TW's explanation of how some things work in the medical field, it sounds like that pdoc needs to have his head examined.
The fact that you found someone new inside after all this time doesn't mean that you're not getting better, or that you can't get better. Anyone who knows you knows that you can, and you have.
We self-dxed in 1996. Yes, we found everyone a long time ago, and yes, we've had very good therapists since late 1998. But we're still going through crises. Big crises. This doesn't mean that we won't get better, just as your history doesn't mean that you won't get better.
We can do it. We can all do it.
Mary and Allegra
04-02-2015, 01:53 AM |
Dreamscapes Collectives
Country of the Chaotic
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RE: Length of dx
we were first dx'd in 91, when the body was 17. we weren't told, and didn't even start to try and get help until nine years later. because our parents didn't tell us what they dx'd us with (we were in an adolescent ward). we are also poly-fragmented (at least 300 known and more unknown) and our abuse started in infancy (at least four months, possibly sooner). the body just turned 41.
we spent six years in therapy and working like hell to try and heal. we came to terms with in that period that there were some things that were just too damaging to heal from. our personal opinion not a professional one. we stopped going to therapy in 2007 for a variety of reasons, mostly bc our insurance no longer covered a therapist that knew what to do with someone with DID. by 2009 we'd stopped looking.
we did have one doctor last year in a psych hospital who did know about DID who saw us. and he did tell us that if nothing changed with the amount of crap we are trying to deal with he couldn't see us making it past two more years. that is not in therapy (which we can't do bc of insurance purposes and lack of trained professionals who have a clue) and with no support system. and we get the hopelessness and despair and frustration bc yeah, we are hella tired of this. we get so tired of dealing with this day in and day out. we're not just finding new people, our system is still creating new people. our system has NEVER been stable.
on the other hand, the one friend we still have is a year or two older and is doing much better psychologically speaking than we are. (she's a blended multi, not the same as the big "I", but similar. not that we're advocating for or against such) i honestly think it depends on each individual system. i don't know that there is any one right answer. everyone reacts to and handles things differently. some people can do what other people can't do. we only know what we have been through and what we can tolerate and what we can't.
sometimes it all comes down to finding one reason important enough to keep putting one foot in front of the other. focusing on something that's important to enough of you to keep fighting through the pain and hopelessness and despair that can well up. I don't think that anyone is ever truly without hope, after all, no one knows what will happen tomorrow and miracles are possible. at the same time, we do think there are some things that don't ever truly heal. we just have to learn to endure them.
Alexis, Olivia and others
Too many to count, too many to name, but we're all here just the same.
04-05-2015, 09:04 AM |