ESP - Extra Sensitive Person
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The People Offline
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Question  ESP - Extra Sensitive Person
I have read articles on people who are more sensitive than most. They feel the pain of others, the 5 bodily senses go into high alert way too often. It makes it difficult to live in the outside world quite often because we pick up on people's energies.

I say we because I am one of those people. Monominds don't always believe us but I do think that we are one of those types.

Do others feel that they too fit into this category? Is it part of why the world s so scary and misery making?

And, big question that just popped into my head. Could this ESP thing be art of what made us multies while others with similar experiences went down other paths?
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11-04-2015, 04:54 AM
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nats Offline
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RE: ESP - Extra Sensitive Person
definitely always been labelled 'oversensitive' in exactly the way you describe.

interesting question about whether this increased our likelihood for multiplicity - it makes sense though no way of knowing for certain.
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11-04-2015, 07:00 AM
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The People Offline
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RE: ESP - Extra Sensitive Person
Yes Nats there are so many theories on why some become multiples and some don't. Personally I don't think there is any one reason. While we have many commonalities here we also have differences, whether it be academic, social or skill types. The only thing that must have been there was an early ability to dissociate. That comes from early brain development.

However, there is the chicken/egg thing Did we develop another self because our brains developed early? Or did our brains develop quickly to keep up with life. I know that theories talk about early puberty being a possible result of abuse. So why not the brain as well? Using that part that is et to develop to build an inner kingdom. After all, we are all born with innate survival instincts.
I Am My Only Chance For A Hero!
11-07-2015, 04:20 PM
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nats Offline
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RE: ESP - Extra Sensitive Person
wish we knew, but we can only theorise.
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11-07-2015, 07:28 PM
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Cammy Offline
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RE: ESP - Extra Sensitive Person
Empathy is one of our strongest features. So strong that we can almost sometimes hear what others are thinking. We certainly almost always seem to know how others are feeling. When others are in pain, we feel the pain too. This does indeed make it exhausting to be around people for too long at any one time. The act of empathizing, even when it is done automatically and unconsiously, is energy intensive, and part of the reason we isolate a lot more than what is considered 'normal'. I do not know if this is a salient, documented feature of multiples, but I do know that I certainly experience this in a very big way.
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11-16-2015, 06:58 PM
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