degrading memory?
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Dreamscapes Collectives Offline
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Question  degrading memory?
you know, we figured that after doing so much work on our various issues that our memory would get better. Instead, for the last two years our memory has been degrading. It's significantly worse than previous years. we forget things within moments of being told, sometimes having to be reminded three or four times. sometimes we'll get recall back, often we don't.

our ability to store things in the collective memory so other people can access it has also become very hard to do. most of the time we don't realize it hasn't stuck until someone else fronts and can't access it.

Our memory problems are starting to touch things like driving. sometimes we will be halfway somewhere and temporarily forget where we are even going. So far, we manage to get that back after a moment or two, but we worry about what if it gets worse. We're the only ones who can drive, our partner still has a non-functional foot.

Frequently we will think of something, get up from our computer to go do it and forget what it is by the time we reach the bedroom door. *shrug* sometimes we get it back, often we don't.

does anyone else have this problem?

some of us from the realms
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(This post was last modified: 07-18-2012, 08:15 PM by Dreamscapes Collectives.)
07-18-2012, 08:14 PM
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Katz Krew Offline
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RE: degrading memory?
Hi Dreamscapes Collectives,

I thought mine might too (I've done ALOT of work on my issues) but it hasn't. Lots of what I call "black holes" in my memory. I call them that because they are like black holes in space---nothing exists in them. Sad But that has been my whole life so am not surprised either ya know?

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Jamie for Katz Krew
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07-18-2012, 11:42 PM
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The People Offline
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Feedback  RE: degrading memory?
I don't know you or your stage of healing but is it possible that there are some new others who have not yet found a way to introduce themselves? As well, we don't know your age but that memory thing can also come with menopause. Asa well, we find that when we are more anxious it gets worse - memory. We think that there is megaswitching going on during these latter times and we just are too stressed out to figure it out. I don't think our memory will ever be good in some aspects of life. some of that is normal as lots of people put the milk in the cupboard and the dirty dishes in the fridge. Good luck and if you find a fix please let me know asap.
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07-21-2012, 02:35 AM
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sharon/treehouse family Offline
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RE: degrading memory?
Dreamscapes collectives,

I'm so happy you brought this up.... I two have been having same issues with my memory as well. I can't remember what the weather just said 5 minutes after it was reported. I find miss placed food or dishes in the kitchen. I can't remember in mid sentence what I'm talking about. I have a hard time recalling faces or names. I was thinking since I don't know my family history that I have Alzheimer's. I talked it over with my med doctor they said depression can cause memory loss as well. I've been having trouble for over a year now. She just says the same thing...I don't know just throwing it out there I don't know if that helps...half the time I get more results talking to the wall.

The people,

I didn't know that menopause can cause memory loss, since I've been going trough this since I've been 34-with no help with meds. I did know that being overwhelmed anxiety is a problem, where I worry all the time. Today my T told me why I have been losing time. Before I told her what was going on. I had an idea but, I'm not crazy.

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07-24-2012, 09:15 PM
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orek Offline
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Agree  RE: degrading memory?
does anyone else have this problem?

Oh yeah, we do. Maybe not manifested in the exact same ways, but we've noticed our own degrading memory enough to worry and wonder. Some of it might be menopausal. Some is surely dissociative. For instance, our presenting group of upfronters has been switching around more frequently, a new group stepping up when the previous is tired or overwhelmed. And not all the information from one group gets translated or passed on to the next one. There are pockets of missing info--not enough to be dysfunctional, but enough to be noticeable, at least to me, as well as probably my partner and T. Anxiety probably plays a role, too.Undecided

I do worry that it's chronic enough that it might reflect a physiological problem, maybe a predisposition to dementia or such. My only hope is that we will notice an improvement in our memory in inverse proportion to the expected decrease in dissociation once we're far enough along in our healing. We'll see, I guess! Undecided
07-28-2012, 11:30 PM
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Dreamscapes Collectives Offline
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RE: degrading memory?
Funny, we find this post from our system from over a year ago to find they were having the same problems we are! In some ways that makes us feel a little better. In some ways not so much so. We discovered we have a form of brain damage that comes from lack of oxygen to the brain in excess of five minutes. two separate doctors at two different hospitals dx'd it. both said the damage looked like it had been there for some time, but they couldn't judge how long and both heavily suggested we see a neurologist.

haven't managed the neuro yet, mostly because our insurance sux, but we did some reading on the kind of brain damage and the location and apparently impairment of short-term memory is one of the things that can happen. Along with a host of other things most of us have wondered about for more years than we care to count.

so we have a lot of crap working against us in the whole lack of short-term memory. XP It's just nice to know it's not just us new folks.
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10-20-2013, 07:09 PM
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nats Offline
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RE: degrading memory?
didn't even realise this was an old thread (that we must have read when it was new Undecided). either our short-term memory is deteriorating or we're becoming more aware of it. maybe a lot of it is normal with ageing but it's very disconcerting.
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10-21-2013, 04:45 AM
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