I lost a close friend this weekend....my dog. I have alway found it amazing that I am able to immediately grieve for these losses, yet with people, I compartmentalize and grieve pathologically over decades. Bad as it feels, it is such a relief to be able to actually cry and feel the hurt for a change. I think that it also creates a bit of a cascade reaction wherein I do a bit of overdue grieving for others in my life that have passed away, but for whom I have never been able to grieve properly. It just shows how immensely therapeutic pets can be - not only providing us with companionship and unconditional love, but teaching us how to manage our feelings, even when they are no longer here. Their value to me is incalculable and always will be, as I think they are for many people here. I still have two more dogs to cuddle and love, a parrot, a fish, and a cat, so it is not like I am in an 'empty nest' situation, but my little Moira Scottish terrier will be missed. I just want to acknowledge here my sympathy and empathy for those of you who have lost their animal companions. We all know that while they lived we loved them in a way so special and intensely that it defies description.
Sending out warm waves of empathy and hugs to all of you who are hurting from any kind of loss.