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pain in my leg - Printable Version

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pain in my leg - mosaic - 09-28-2012

started out feeling numb with only occasional burning pain, but it's gotten worse....

doctor thinks i have a pinched nerve. oh joy. maybe that's better than what i was fearing (or what WebMD said), not sure. hopefully the treatment will reduce the inflammation.

RE: pain in my leg - nats - 09-28-2012

ouch! hope the meds sort it out and you feel better soon!

RE: pain in my leg - MakersDozn - 09-28-2012


Hope you feel better soon. Thinking good thoughts.


RE: pain in my leg - tweeter - 09-28-2012

(09-28-2012, 01:54 PM)mosaic Wrote: started out feeling numb with only occasional burning pain, but it's gotten worse....

doctor thinks i have a pinched nerve. oh joy. maybe that's better than what i was fearing (or what WebMD said), not sure. hopefully the treatment will reduce the inflammation.

Chiming in with wellness wishes.
I looked up what you were generally referring to and a nerve problem can be indicated (i.e., sciatica). I wouldn't have thought of it.

RE: pain in my leg - Elizabethn - 09-29-2012

Yup, that's nerve pain. My sympathies, I've had lots of that.

RE: pain in my leg - mosaic - 10-16-2012

The round of oral steroids (no shot for me) calmed the inflamation so that i'm not in constant pain - but the numbness/tingling remains, with occasional flares of the burn.

i'm seeing a chiropractor... haven't noticed much improvement thus far, and am wondering how long do i keep going if i only get a transient mild lessening of numbness after a treatment. even all the exercises he has me doing dont seem to help.


RE: pain in my leg - Emma19 - 10-16-2012

Hi mosaic,
Sounds like u are doing all you can to feel better.i hope it works and you are more comfortable very soon. Take care mosaic,emma19

RE: pain in my leg - MakersDozn - 10-16-2012


Glad that you're getting treatment. We've never been to a chiropractor, so we don't know how long a person would generally see one.

Hoping that you continue to feel better.


RE: pain in my leg - Deborah of DDDs - 10-21-2012

Hi mosaic,

I hope you are feeling better. If this is not relevant please disregard.

For what it's worth -- I got repeated pain in my right thigh recently after starting a "gentle" dance-exercise class, thought it was a muscle strain -- turned out it was reawakening of previous lower back problem -- I guess it's called sciatica. (No surprise, it is a struggle to relate to my body -- it was a big achievement to get to the class. I am still continuing as best I can.) Nice physical therapist said I have to build up my "core," those muscles they emphasize in Pilates, to take some of the work away from my back. It is helping a lot. Maybe that's the kind of exercises your chiropractor recommended.

FYI, I found some basic core exercise info (with pictures I could follow) at


RE: pain in my leg - nats - 10-21-2012

hi mosaic, are chiropractors able to help these kinds of issues - thought this was more for physical therapists? hope you're feeling better!

RE: pain in my leg - mosaic - 10-21-2012

the discomfort is lessening... yes the chiropractor not only does adjustments but also recommends exercises, and several of them are for strengthening the core.

i'm just a little too impatient - i want him to do an adjustment and ... voila... the pain is gone. it never works that way though.

RE: pain in my leg - Tangled Web - 10-26-2012

I am glad to hear it lessening.............I understand about wanting that magic wand! I wish I had one also, patience is for turtles!

RE: pain in my leg - The People - 01-15-2013

Hi Mosaic. A couple of things from my perspective/experience.
1) We have found physiotherapists to be more knowledgeable than chiropractors.
2) We had chronic lower back pain for years until we discovered yoga. There is the option of trying it at home with a video but the issue there (as pointed out by my former physio) is that one does not have someone to do corrections that are needed at the beginning. If you decide to try this route (can be scary) I would get a few recommendations from people who are on the yoga train and start with a beginner hatha class. If you try one and don't feel comfortable with it please don't give up. Took 3 locations before I found one that was a good fit for me.
3) Are you on meds now? I am in the process of going off meds because of chronic leg cramps. I figured it out on my own after days of not being able to stretch without cramping.
4) Another alternative medicine is acupuncture. Many people are terrified of this as they think the needles are like the 3 foot long ones they show on television. They are actually very fine, rarely felt going in unless they hit a blocked channel, and a good practitioner would be able to identify the channels. A good side effect of this treatment is that it can bring about a good measure of calm. I had the good fortune of being a guinea pig for a woman who was learning. I just had to pay for the needles. Wonderful stuff.

RE: pain in my leg - mosaic - 01-16-2013

the problem has resolved, and we are doing fine...

that's interesting about the yoga. i confess i've never had much interest in yoga. right now finances are such that any kind of class is not an option.

we've been reading about your ordeal getting off the meds. we sure hope the withrdrawal period comes to a close soon.