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Joseph at playground said we can come here to sit with big people - Printable Version

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Joseph at playground said we can come here to sit with big people - sharon/treehouse family - 07-11-2012

I think its my fault that susin hates me if I didn't come out or say somethin wrong or listen she wouldn't hate me and she be happy with me... emma

i didn't make her a birtday presint i furget her hate me. me so sory me so sory it me fult me did it..her no lik me me hat me me cri her no lik us cuse of me.. maggie me 5

me hat me me top say hi i soud hav say hi i no do it on popus i wiish say sory i'm ivy 5

me jut cri leea 5

I stoped comin out it my fult if I said hi and mad her lagh she be hapy an she lik us agin . i sould hav mad her a presint to for her birday. i wish I coud tak it bak. i just cry I cant stop it hurt to bad kathleen say it okay and no us fult and us can rite and draw about it i just cry. my nam is no one

RE: Joseph at playground said we can come here to sit with big people - mosaic - 07-11-2012

we can hear how much this hurts. we don't know why all those things happened but we do know it isn't your fault.

we will sit with you and share our cuddly stuffies if you like.

RE: Joseph at playground said we can come here to sit with big people - sharon/treehouse family - 07-11-2012

i hav breeda wiv me an babi an mir buni an hufulump an grrrrrrrrr us bar grrrrrrrrrrr


us lik it if us sit wiv yu

RE: Joseph at playground said we can come here to sit with big people - dreamers - 04-03-2015

we got a frend who bes mads at us too and I hate me too for making him mad so we can sit an cry togefer now ifdin you want i'll share my cleenedx

RE: Joseph at playground said we can come here to sit with big people - The People - 04-09-2015

litel kids hav big felings. often abot bigs. you can com here. anawears

peak whose sk of bigs and there moods.