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Two threads moved - attn Cloud :) - Printable Version

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Two threads moved - attn Cloud :) - nats - 10-05-2017

Admin heads up: moved a couple of threads whose topics had veered into HHZ territory. All members should still have access and can continue the discussion there.

Cloud, as you all are still relatively new members, you may not yet have access to HHZ. if you can't get in, just let us know and we'll sort it out (access is based on number of posts, but can't remember the number offhand Smile )

RE: Two threads moved - attn Cloud :) - CloudofWitnesses - 10-05-2017

hi Nats... no, I don't see that thread anywhere..

RE: Two threads moved - attn Cloud :) - nats - 10-06-2017

hi Cloud, nothing wrong with raising the topic you did. we just moved it to the non-public area where members can more freely talk about this stuff.

speaking with admin hat on, as this is a self-help/support site for multiples at all stages of healing, it's particularly important here to be respectful of others which includes not pressuring them about their trauma background and where they are in their process. any of us can volunteer info as we consider appropriate (though details go on IH), but nobody here has a right to assume or pressure anyone else.

you haven't done anything bad. you're learning about this new place and its members and it can be awkward in the beginning. we can't speak for jp, or whether anyone in their system found your questions difficult. ultimately, we are all responsible for our own systems and you are welcome here.

as admins we moderate to help maintain this place so that members have somewhere to come and expect mutual acceptance and respect. some are openly religious, some not; some post regularly, some never. as members, we all post trigger warnings (the icons above) to warn about posts containing material that may be difficult for some readers, e.g. CSA, SRA, religion. these are explained in the guidance and feel free to ask questions when you're not sure.

you should be granted access to IH within a few days/posts.

RE: Two threads moved - attn Cloud :) - CloudofWitnesses - 10-06-2017

hi Nat,
thanks for that..but I did not pressure anyone into telling me anything. I politely inquired if I could ask about something and left it to the person I was writing to. Sometimes people like to be asked (i know I do) because it shows that a person cares and is interested in them. As a counsellor I ask questions and do not think it lacks respect. To 'demand' answers to questions would be disrespectful, but I did not do that.

the old saying goes "you can't please everyone all the time" and in the world today people in it get offended very easily by practically anything someone says. It is a shame. The only safe thing then to do is to say nothing at all because someone is bound to twist words into something that bothers them.

Since I cannot see my former posts or view replies to them, this makes me feel like I've been segregated and it is also odd to have one's own materials moved away to a place where the author (me) cannot even view them or have access to them. This feels very invasive to me.

All of that being said, I do not believe I'll be sticking around. I have found there are other forums where they speak candidly. That's my preference. It would take forever to make friends if people are so sensitive that we cannot speak normally.

Anyway, I bid you farewell and blessings from Yahweh the one true God and creator of heaven & earth.
God bless

RE: Two threads moved - attn Cloud :) - Cammy - 10-06-2017

Cloud: Please do not leave. Every single one of us has gone through a misunderstanding or made a faux pas or written something that someone else took the wrong way, or someone wrote something we took the wrong way. It just happens - it is the difficulty of communicating via words rather than face to face. I have had these experiences in the past and have allowed myself a cooling off period, sometimes a week, sometimes longer. It has allowed me to move away from my feelings of hurt and put things into a better perspective for me. I hope that you will stay with us or at least return to us at some point. Life happens and misunderstandings are a part of life especially on the Internet. I dearly hope that you will reconsider. It would be a shame to lose your valuable input before we even get a chance to know you.

RE: Two threads moved - attn Cloud :) - CloudofWitnesses - 10-07-2017

hi Cammy,
Bless you. I really have no idea if I offended someone - I can't tell if someone is offended because I can't even see what they wrote. I am assuming from the verbiage above that someone must be offended about something however.

Here's the thing:
I am not going to stop being myself or trying to help people see the truth about what they need to deal with or face just because the world has decided that you have to have a secular p.doc or psychologist tell them everything (and again, I have no idea what the problem even may be since I am unable to see my own posts or the replies to them because they were moved so I can't view them).

I am not interested in the way the world and non Christian society deals with DID. The Lord has shown me a different way which is much more effective and it also keeps the host personality IN the position of host so that there isn't the absolute misery and confusion of insiders switching constantly and taking over the body to go out to r*tuals or do other horrible acts and embarrassing feats.

Problem is that the 'world' and secular medicine of Greek thinking and so called 'common sense' tries to dictate what people can and can't say to keep anyone from having 'false memories' or to keep people from 'offending' one another. It's all a huge guise to control people and it also keeps victims from getting the help they need.

I have been ministering to other SRA victims for many years now and this method of healing through the one true God is not only less painful, and keeps the host in control of the body, but it is quicker and soooo much less confusing. Those who are interested please google PATRICIA BAIRD CLARK or view her website at .... and purchase or read through the many articles available there to learn more.

I have come to recognise many symptoms of SRA in people who are DID but they haven't even realised they were SRA as well. I work with them so the Lord can bring healing and wholeness --- and we do it outside of the horrific world of 'secular psychiatry' which is absolutely heinous and corrupt and ineffective.

Anyway, I'm just sayin' ....... and again, I have no idea what 'may' have offended anyone since I cannot see and have not read any responses to anything I wrote because they are inaccessible to me. I can only make guesses, but in retrospect, there is nothing I should feel bad about writing. People need to know the truth. Some people sit with their DID for years on end and nothing changes for them because they are not getting the help they need and they are not facing the trauma in order to get well. The fact of the matter is that a huge majority of people with DID are indeed SRA victims as well and it usually doesn't take me very long to discern it in a person because of the experience I have not only with myself but with others whom I aid.

I have no hard feelings so please don't think I do. But I will not be controlled by worldly secular rules & regulations trying to keep people from getting the help they need.

The bible says "you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free" (John 8:32). This means that the only way to healing and health is via facing the truth about our abuse and sordid past. But without the Lord, it cannot be done properly. I have no faith in the secular medicine and psych office of this world. I have seen it ruin people instead of help them. Through Yeshua Messiah (the real Jesus) there is healing and hope but without Him and without a personal relationship with HIM (not a religious 'system') and facing the truth there can be no healing.

Ok, there's my sermon for the day! Big Grin And now I hope all readers understand a little better why I am departing. But also please know I have no hard feelings. I can only help those who are willing to face truth.

RE: Two threads moved - attn Cloud :) - Cammy - 10-07-2017

Cloud: I am SO sorry to see you go. I too am a very devout Christian and it would have been wonderful to correspond with you on that level. It is such a terrible loss for this site, but particularly for me, since I didn't even get the chance to get to know you. However, I have to respect your decisions and your feelings - may the Lord bless you. If you do still happen to change your mind, it would literally be a Godsend for me (yes, I am being selfish). Take special care and remember that the Lord takes care of us in ways we don't understand (Yahweh Jirah: the Lord provides). The reason that I have found this site so valuable for me is that among other things, "Grief and sadness knits two hearts in closer bonds than happiness ever can; and common sufferings are far stronger than common joys". (Alphonse de Lamartine) May you find what it is you are seeking for.

Hugs ... Cammy

RE: Two threads moved - attn Cloud :) - nats - 10-08-2017

hi Cloud, as already stated above you did nothing wrong. we moved the posts because the nature of the topics required them being on a different board. this was not about you, but about the topic. this was not about anybody being offended. maybe this triggered something and if so i am sorry.

i have just checked and you do have access to IH, so it's unclear to me why you're upset at not being able to see what was posted. you should be able to see the moved threads and any follow-up.

i trust that you can choose to set aside the upset and hear what i am saying. if you want to discuss further that's fine, but please be respectful of others here who struggle differently with these topics and do so on IH where these topics can be discussed more freely.